Thursday, September 24, 2015

Happy 6th Birthday, Alivia!

Happy 6th Birthday to this sweet and beautiful little girl!!!
Every year for her Birthday I write her a letter and this year’s letter was a little more difficult. With all that we have been through, the main man in our lives passing, all of the changes of moving here and there, starting a new daycare and now kindergarten, I couldn't help but to reflect back on how much she has been through in 6 short years.
To be honest, many of my parenthood expectations have been shattered by the beautiful reality that you are your own person, and have been from the very beginning. That reality has taught me more about love, patience, and what really matters most in life… so thank you. I’m sure I’ll need constant reminders, so please be patient. There is plenty more lessons life has to offer; plenty more things for your inquisitive mind and curious heart to learn. In my own 30+ years on this earth I’ve had my share of lessons, too… some learned through hard work and dedication, others learned through failure and mistakes. You will learn those too and if you need a shoulder or a helping hand, I am never far.
Even though I can’t (nor desire to) control you, I can hopefully teach you. As I look to your future I have many questions and concerns. I wonder how you’ll adapt to social pressures, maneuver through difficult circumstances, and mold your life with the unique and diverse experiences awaiting you. But, my sweet beautiful girl you have overcome so much, you have inspired so many in just 6 years, imagine what you can do in another 6! You are incredibly made Just. The. Way. You. Are. Embrace being unique, embrace the gift GOD has given you to teach and inspire. You have the ability to change the world in both small and large ways, even when if you want to become a pop star.
Value what you bring to the world. And then give that same gift to others by valuing their unique strengths and beauties. There are a millions ways to be beautiful, wise, talented, and useful in this world. Don’t fall victim to a life of shallow comparisons. There is no need for it. Love unconditionally. There’s enough hate in the world, and not enough love.
Don't be afraid to take risks, but do so wisely. The risk of failure, vulnerability, looking stupid, or making mistakes for the chance achieve greatness are risks worth taking. Relationships, passions, and incredible opportunities are usually only realized through risk.
Your body is a miracle. Love it deeply. Look yourself in the mirror EVERY day and recognize how amazing YOU are. Take care of your body. Cherish your strengths. Value wholeness instead of picking out insignificant “flaws.” Tell yourself you are beautiful. I will remind you, too. Believe it always.
You are a magnificently complicated creature who can be powerful, strong, gentle, and delicate all at the same time. Power doesn’t mean aggressive. Delicate doesn’t mean weak. Be firm in your ability to be a force for good without giving up the ability to connect with lightness.
There is so much cynicism, anger, and entitlement in the world. Be a beacon of light through hope and optimism. Good things are attracted to good things. Challenges will come no matter what, but those who choose to see the bright side are just happier. It’s that simple.
Our current education system is majorly broken. And one of the problems is the fear of failure that is instilled in our minds from the very beginning. Failure is one of life’s greatest teachers if we are willing to listen, learn, and progress forward. Never, ever, EVER be afraid of failing. True greatness only ever comes from learning from our mistakes.
True friends will love you. They will make you feel good. They will be on your side, challenge you if they need to, and never try to make you feel less than a whole person. If a friend doesn’t do those things, let them go. There are billions of wonderful people in the world, don’t waste time on anyone who makes you feel otherwise.
There will be times of sadness and we know that we have experienced that this year. There will be times that you will miss someone who isn’t here and they are in GOD’s hands. You are not only adored here with all of us but you are adored from Heaven above. Alivia, I wish I could explain to you just how much you helped your pa-paw and the strength you gave him while he was here. He lived his last years for you even when he was getting tired and weak, he still managed to be the strongest man in both of our lives. His very last words to me were “take care of that little girl for me.” I didn’t realize until a few short days later what he really meant by that. It gives me great honor to know that he trusted me enough so he could finally let go and go home to his forever home, which one day you will meet again. I am thankful that you were old enough to understand that he went to heaven but yet young enough to not understand fully. I love how you sleep with all of his pillows from his shirts (all 5 of them) and the little heart in bed with you. I just hope that each day that I know I did enough to honor his wishes.
I love your little heart, I love how big you love, and I most certainly love all of you. You are kind, giving, compassionate, forgiving, talented, blessed and so incredibly beautiful. Remember: You ARE ENOUGH, repeat that often. You are the sweetest gift that I could have ever received. I adore you and all of the little things about you. I love you to the moon and back and around again. ~Momma

Original post - 9-24-15

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