Wednesday, September 13, 2017

"The worst war in the world is the one that goes on inside of our heads when we are not confident in ourselves."

"When we doubt who we are it causes us to go inside of our head to think, rethink, and then to overthink about all of the possible outcomes again. The worst war in the world is the one that goes on inside of our heads when we are not confident in ourselves. It’s a process but we have to love ourselves as we grow, we have to accept ourselves for the human that we are today."

I have followed Sylvester McNutt on Instagram for quite some time now. Several of his quotes and poetry really stick out to me. I knew he had a few books out but The Dear Queen Journey - A Path to Self Love is one that I have really wanted to read. Why? Well, because I am on this new path of Self Discovery and Self Love! 

Sylvester also has several other books about Success in life and also books about Love which I may eventually read but for now this is the one that I picked (or maybe it picked me) because it approaches what I am trying to succeed. 

I am in love with his quotes and his way of writing which is basically poetry. If you have Amazon prime with kindle, this little guy is on Unlimited Kindle for FREE. You're welcome! :) 

Another thing I have been doing and I receive one typically every day and that is how I start my day. Lately, as soon as I get out of bed I have a new morning inspirational video from YouTube on a channel that I subscribed to: Be Inspired - Daily Motivation  So, my routine is to start playing it as soon as I get up and while I get ready. Depending on the length I may have to continue it once I get to work so I just plug in my headphones. 

I still have my affirmations throughout my house, in my purse and at my desk. They have been up for about 3-4 wks so I think it's probably time to update and change them out. 

It may be a gloomy day but we needed the rain. See the beauty in everything! Be confident, be bold and don't forget to smile. 



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